Cant believe u actually wasted time to do that.
Man that was lame, zero dies like a wimp, teleport attack, no good music, no z saber combos, nothing !
Last time i watch things with ur nick beside it.
Cant believe u actually wasted time to do that.
Man that was lame, zero dies like a wimp, teleport attack, no good music, no z saber combos, nothing !
Last time i watch things with ur nick beside it.
worst than the 1rst one
What are you doing ?!
U call that music ?
Thats no action ?
And even the dialogue can make u say " Whaaaaaaa ?!"
stfu please
Not worth it....
Dialogues dont suit the characters, no music, cheesy fight intro, zero is way more serious and angry than that and bad story references.
Still its a beginning, try and do better.
Not thats not it ....
Whats up with people and bad trance music ?
Those trance remixes were so bad, its ashamed the authors did realise it before sending it to users.
Then the vocabulary, ur not gonna hear zero say " U fucking ass wipe !? " or " FRIGGIN MOTHER FUCKER", really it aint their style.
Zero gets killed in one hit, i knew zero was weak and gets killed in alot of megaman game but thats just humiliating....
And for the last, Matrix rip-off, ok now that just lowering ur own mark.
Im not saying that to be an asshole but thats just how it goes.
U might as well try again but believe me change music.
damn you had a bat mood when writing this review. and that one hit. THAT WAS A MATRIX HIT :P. and zero aint dead anyways find out in movie 2. matrix rip off is not supposed to look good, i never seen a good matrix rip off on NG anyway. i hope u did like the last song. Its in my opinion the best trance song ever
Perfect, just perfect.
Made me laugh like hell in the end.
Specially the phrases LOL !!!!
Perfect? If it were perfect, why did you give it a 9 overall rating? I never expected people to tell me it was PERFECT! Sheesh. Wow. Thanks a lot, man.
Must....resist.....telling......major....mistakes......must ....must....kill....hard.....core...........die..........mus t...kill...Leo..............die............DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE.
I fixed the 2 Major Ones. Furthermore Leo's a God! Mwhahaha =D
Radically disturbing.
This is the most disturbing movie i ever saw.
For that u get 4, there has been no movies in ng that made me say AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH for 50 secs.
Really, sick, now make something else but less sick.
1 of ur tech is quite wrong.
The fps thing was totally wrong.
Udd better try it out urself before saying something like that.
And the whole movie didnt explain much. Doesnt matter anyway, if those are cc tech, that explains it.
Hello I'm a pro animator. You can't work with anything less then 25 for animation. Most Anime runs at 36 FPS. The only movies that can really run at 12 FPS are those videogame sprite movies because SNES didn't have frames that went beyond 12 due to the ram limiation. Thank You.
I- Draw
Age 93, Male
Art, flash,VG
Joined on 5/31/01